Teen Dating Awareness

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Teen Dating



What is it?
Produced in partnership with YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh, Prime Stage Theatre’s Teen Dating Awareness program is a multi-faceted platform that uses theatre, a personal testimony, and discussions forums to raise awareness, encourages, and provides the resources for audiences to make a difference in their lives.

The program offers teens, parents and educators the opportunity to learn the warning signs, where to turn for help, and how to find positive role models with healthy, happy relationships.

Why it works.
This effective program, drawn from actual testimonies and experiences of teens, gives the audience a sense of reality. This theatre production brings the drama of teen dating violence to the front of the stage. Young adult actors play all the roles. The audience can identify with the characters’ words, emotions, fears and responses to situations.

You Belong to Me is an original script written by Debbie Lamedman (http://www.debbielamedman.com/) in collaboration with Gary Shaw, a teacher at Pittsburg High School in Pittsburg, Kansas and his high school students to raise awareness about teen dating violence. The presentation is a blend of a first-hand testimony from a survivor, a theatrical experience, and a discussion with the cast and local counselors.

The program includes local resources that audiences can contact with immediately and confidentially.

Is This For Me?
This program is suitable for middle and high school students through college, along with educators and parents.

What do I get?
You’ll receive a full one-hour presentation with Q & A options, along with providing student handouts, resources and statistical information.

When can I get this program to come to my school?
The program is available during the months of October (Domestic Violence Month) and February (Teen Dating Violence Month). We will gladly book up to one year in advance.

How much does it cost?
Please email us at tda@primestage.com for pricing.

To bring this program into your school or community or for more information, contact Prime Stage at tda@primestage.com or complete the registration form (pdf).

The History behind the Program
In August of 2007, 16 year old Demi Cuccia, a cheerleader at Gateway High School, was brutally murdered by her boyfriend for trying to end their relationship. This unthinkable act rocked a community who thought that something like this could never happen to them. Shaken by Demi’s death, the Prime Stage Teen Board was inspired to do their community service project to raise awareness about the warning signs and dangers of teen dating violence. Since then, we have produced other plays on this important topic. We invite you to visit Demi’s website at www.datingbeyondcontrol.com.


RUSafe App
A Dangerous Relationship Assessment App from Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

Teen Dating Awareness Program Wins 2013 Peace Partner Award

We are honored to be recognized for promoting peace through raising awareness of teen dating violence through theatre “teaching the warning signs of teen dating violence and bullying.”

For booking or more information, contact Prime Stage at tda@primestage.com


In partnership with YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh


In Partnership with Center of Victims


In Partnership with Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA


Nationally endorsed by Futures without Violence
Website | Press Release