Students Together Organizing Prevention

S.T.O.P. is a program being implemented by Prime Stage Theatre that empowers a diverse group of at-risk high school students to use the arts to address issues they see in their communities. S.T.O.P. is spearheaded by Richard Garland, Director of the Behavioral and Community Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Health Equity’s Violence Prevention Project.
Teaching artists guided by Mr. Garland engage students to explore topics and create a performance based on a critical issue they face. These performances will be showcased at a festival for their peers from Western PA.
Each performance will include interactive discussion with audiences led by Mr. Garland. Discussions will be designed to engage the students in creating active changes to these issues. This festival is a safe space for these students and paired with direct access to counselors and providers creating an atmosphere for direct change.
Mr. Garland and trained Prime Stage Teaching Artists will spend 6 weeks working with a group of 5-10 at-risk students to create a performance piece based on a crisis they are facing in their communities.
For more information about this program email pst@primestage.com.
Funded by

STOP Program Funding
The Stop Program are funded in part by:
Elsie H. Hillman Foundation